Campus MaNa is a professional training center for creators,
in Burgundy on 40 hectares of nature

with Alexandra Bourgès
Oct 14 > 18, 2024

The Program

Learning objectives

In cabinetmaking, carpentry, or joinery, the Japanese employ techniques known for their robust and aesthetic results. From wari-kusabi to tsugite, including shachi-sen, Alexandra Bourgès introduces this ancient and respectful craftsmanship, which is now gaining followers in the West.

By the end of the training, the participant will have acquired:

  • Introduction to the use of tools and their maintenance
  • Discovery of various Japanese joinery techniques in cabinetmaking
  • Understanding the history of these Asian techniques
  • Implementation of a project and its execution

Content of the program

This unprecedented training dedicated to Japanese assemblies in cabinetmaking opens the doors to a fascinating world where tradition and technical mastery intertwine to create works of exceptional beauty and strength.

At the core of this training, participants will have the opportunity to explore the ancient iconic joining methods of Japanese craftsmanship. Techniques such as « tsugite » « shachisen » and other complex joinery will unveil the subtle art of precisely and reliably assembling wooden pieces.

Participants will be initiated into the fundamental principles of joinery, learning to harmonize form and function while developing a deep sensitivity to the nature of the material.

This training provides a rare opportunity to acquire a unique skill passed down through generations, integrating these distinctive techniques that reflect the artistic heritage and technical excellence of Japanese joineries.


with Alexandra Bourgès

Alexandra Bourgès


Wood workshop equipped with professional machines, classroom, multipurpose room

Supply of materials
Technical acquisition including an introduction to the operation of the tools, an introduction to their maintenance and their safe use.
Personalized monitoring of your work, regular updates, and collective feedback at the end of the training.
The work can be individual or collective.
Educational distribution: 70% practical, 30% theoretical contributions
Active participation and experimentation of participants is favored
Practical exercises, analysis tools

Evaluation follow-up and modalities

Payroll per half day

Acquisition of transmitted knowledge

Production during the workshop

The training is validated by a Campus MaNa certificate

Duration and method of organization:

Target audience:
The training is open to all adults, regardless of age, diploma
Oct 14 > 18, 2024
5 days
9h-13h / 14h-18h
at Campus MaNa
Group size:
20 max
Language(s) :

Pro : 1580€ excluding tax
Alumni Campus MaNa : 1000€ excluding tax
Students : 750€ excluding tax

Price(s) including the cost of training, accommodation and full board, materials and personal protective equipment.

Planning :

Soon available

Location :

Campus MaNa Domaine du Croisil 89350 Champignelles France

Accessibility :

For any disability situation, please contact us to consider the feasibility

Access period :

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