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with Lison de Caunes & Martin Blanchard
From 15/04/2025 to 18/04/2025

The Program

Learning objectives

This unique training invites you to discover the meeting of two skills: straw marquetry, a rare and fascinating art, taught by Lison De Caunes, a renowned specialist, and design, guided by Martin Blanchard, product and space designer.
The aim is to explore these two complementary disciplines and experiment with the application of straw marquetry on three-dimensional pieces, thus opening up new creative perspectives.

A thousand-year-old heritage from the Far East, straw marquetry became very popular in the 1930s under the impetus of the decorator André Groult. Today, his granddaughter, Lison De Caunes, perpetuates this tradition and accompanies you in an enriching and inspiring approach.

At the end of the training, the trainee will be able to:

  • Integrate the qualities of a material into an object design process
  • Draw a decorative pattern
  • Assemble a simple wooden object
  • Apply straw marquetry to a flat surface
  • Achieve suitable finishes
  • Understand the ancestral techniques of straw marquetry
  • Select and prepare the straw
  • Remember the history of this ancestral technique

Content of the program

Each participant will discover the ancestral techniques that give life to this unique decorative art. They will explore the subtleties of using straw to create simple or sophisticated patterns. The learning will include the careful selection and preparation of straw, as well as the mastery of the nuances of colors and textures specific to this technique. Participants will be guided in the assembly and creation of patterns, applying straw marquetry to wooden objects in order to give them a unique aesthetic and artisanal dimension.

Beyond technical skills, this training will offer an immersion in the history and cultural significance of straw marquetry. Participants will discover how this art has evolved through the ages and cultures, contributing to the enrichment of craftsmanship and interior design.

Day 1


General theoretical presentation of the links between design, materials and technique
Presentation of the object to be manufactured


Drawing of patterns
Preparation of the manufacturing

Day 2


Manufacturing workshop


Manufacturing workshop

Day 3 with Lison de Caunes


Technical presentation


Application on the object

Day 4 with Lison de Caunes


Application on the object


Restitution and evaluation
Tidying up the workshop


with Lison de Caunes & Martin Blanchard

Lison de Caunes

After studying at the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs, Lison de Caunes devoted herself to the art of straw marquetry, thus perpetuating the tradition of her grandfather, the decorator André Groult. Having become a specialist in this technique, she rehabilitates these poetic practices by restoring furniture and objects from the 17th century to the Art Deco period. She has organized several exhibitions, written books on straw marquetry and participated in numerous events to highlight this humble and luxurious material that illuminates the most contemporary furniture with its shimmer. She creates custom furniture, home accessories and wall panels for decorators and interior designers. In 2015, she launched Lison de Caunes Créations, her own line of straw marquetry furniture.

Martin Blanchard

A designer of furniture, objects and spaces, Martin Blanchard practices his profession with an approach rooted in the field. Based at the Jardin des Métiers d’Art et du Design (JAD) since September 2022, he first trained in art history before turning to scenography and interior architecture.
His approach is based on close collaboration with artisans, influencing each project from its conception. He integrates manufacturing processes into the heart of the design, highlighting know-how in the final object.
Sensitive to environmental issues and the future of objects in a world of overproduction, he favors materials that are little transformed, easily recyclable or already recycled. His refined and functional aesthetic aims to extend the lifespan of his creations. This ecological reflection also leads him to explore new solutions, in particular through the development of plant composites, thus opening up new perspectives in sustainable design.


  • Workshops with professional equipment, classroom, multipurpose room
  • Supply of materials
  • Individual and collective work
  • Workshop work
  • Active participation and experimentation of participants are favored

Evaluation follow-up and modalities

  • Collective and personalized monitoring of work, regular updates
  • Self-assessment of technical skills
  • Collective restitution
  • Sign-in sheet per half-day
  • Certificate of completion issued by Campus MaNa

Duration and method of organization:

Target audience:
The training is open to all adults, regardless of age, diploma
From 15/04/2025 to 18/04/2025
4 jours
9h-13h / 14h-18h
à Campus Mana
Group size:
Language(s) :
2100€ TTC
Price (individual bathroom): 
2220€ TTC

Price(s) including the cost of training, accommodation and full board, materials and personal protective equipment.

Planning :

Soon available

Location :

Campus MaNa Domaine du Croisil, Le Croisil, 89350 Champignelles France

Accessibility :

For any disability situation, please contact us to consider the feasibility

Access period :

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