Logo of Campus MaNa

Manifesto — the fields of Creation


  1. Living in Creation (an approach of Culture as an art ofl iving: create, living, working, training, eating, caring, moving, enjoying...).
  2. Place the hand’s work at the heart of the practice.
  3. Transmit the know-how and knowledge of crafts “à la française”, between tradition and innovation.
  4. Provide concrete responses to the skills needs of the design & architecture sectors.
  5. Promote trans-disciplinarity in all its states.
  6. Generate a coherent eco-system anchored in ils territory.
  7. Encourage and nurture multiculturalism.
  8. Invite key figures (architects, designers, artisans, artists, theorists, etc.).
  9. Taking into account the challenges of sustainable development and social responsibility in the programs.
  10. Experiment with new pedagogical forms.
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