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Artiste métallière-designer

Anouchka Potdevin


Following a traditional curriculum, her evening classes at the Beaux-Arts in Rennes revived her interest in metal and art nouveau. She did an internship with a compagnon du devoir in Rennes.

Subsequently trained in Applied Arts and metalwork, she moved away from her previous work focused on recovery, reuse and recycling. By exploring the symbolism of the birdcage, she offers modular and original pieces. Each project is unique and often the result of specific orders, integrating the history of second-hand furniture into its reinterpretation. Anouchka added a personal touch while preserving the traces of time.

In 2012, her creative passion accelerated with the order of a suspended seat. This inspired her to create a human-sized birdcage, which was a great success when it was presented in Paris in 2013, appearing on the cover of decoration magazines.
This artisanal piece, made in Brittany, is coveted by luxury boutiques, hotels and events, and was used in the filming of Hunger Games. Recent models have been sent to Saudi Arabia, Australia, Poland and other countries.

After a collaboration with Maryse Dubois, her creations spread internationally, notably in the windows of Guerlain and at the Michelin-starred restaurant Racines in Rennes. Her works are highly prized by brands such as Moët & Chandon, Le Bon Marché and L’Oréal, and are regularly selected by trend agencies such as Nelly Rodi and Elisabeth Leriche.

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