Campus MaNa is a professional training center for creators,
in Burgundy on 40 hectares of nature




After three years of training in tapestry at the École Nationale d'Art Décoratif d'Aubusson and two years as a weaver in the Atelier Camille Legoueix in Aubusson, France-Odile created her workshop in 1984, where she weaves tests from personal creations, projects in collaboration with artists, as well as creations for clothing and fashion accessories. These multiple experiences allowed her to find her writing. This work resulted in the creation of several tapestries in which she highlights the material and color.

In 2010, she joined forces with Martine Stamm. Together, they combined their experiences and know-how by creating the SARL Atelier A². They demonstrated this know-how by creating numerous tapestries by contemporary artists, for the Cité Internationale de la Tapisserie as part of calls for creation, as well as for the CNAP.

These artistic challenges allow her to explore all the possibilities of her profession and to be in perpetual research, whether on textile writing or materials. In December 2012, the workshop obtained the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant label. Aware of what she has received from her master weavers, she feels the need to pass it on. In 2004, she became a training center and, in 2012, a trainer at the Cité de la Tapisserie for professional training in warp tapestry, managed by GRETA.


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