Aldo Bakker invites you to reflect on objects designed for public spaces, outdoors and their longevity. You will be guided in the design of a project for a specific place, bench, shelter, belvedere, book box, walking sticks…
At the end of the training, the trainee will have assimilated:
Is it possible to design objects/products for public spaces, outdoors, that are welcome, celebrated and respected? Can they be fragile? And what about their longevity?
We know only too well the pleasantly functional examples of prevention or protection against vandalism, many of which show after a short time how difficult it is to make something durable and let it age.
But besides the familiar products, we can also think of a monument, a belvedere, public libraries, free walking sticks...?
I see the forest as a place where we can glean our materials, in addition to the tree, which, literally and figuratively, carries a heaviness; we have branches (to weave), bark, resin, leaves, grass, earth and more. They can also be combined with other materials - certainly not easy - but perhaps necessary and beautiful.
Besides the trees in the forest, there are also urban trees that, if they are sick, rotten or blown down by the wind, can come back in other forms.
You choose a place outside. A public space, your own garden, hidden in the woods...
The place determines your design.
Aldo Bakker explore les sens, défiant les perceptions entre l'humain et l'objet. Malgré leur apparence calme, ses œuvres imposent leurs propres règles d'interaction, séduisantes mais indépendantes. Autodidacte, Aldo Bakker s'est inspiré d'artistes comme Luigi Nono, Giorgio Morandi, J.M. Coetzee et Carlo Scarpa, créant des objets qui racontent leur propre histoire. Ses œuvres uniques ou en petites séries ont été commandées par des marques prestigieuses et acquises par des musées renommés. Aldo Bakker a reçu de nombreux prix et son travail a été largement exposé et documenté.
Educational means and supports
Price(s) including the cost of training, accommodation and full board, materials and personal protective equipment.